Some simple instructions which help us to understand if we are consuming a quality product
The label of a product is a bit like his business card: it provides us with all the necessary information to identify it.
Here are some simple instructions to learn how to read it correctly.
First of all, it’s important to know that some informations are mandatory and others are optional.
Among the obligatory, the first is surely The Name of Sale, that is the definition by which the product is presented on the market.
For example, the Olio Poldo label says “Extra virgin olive oil”, a superior category oil obtained exclusively by mechanical processes.
In other cases you can find “Virgin olive oil”, “Olive oil composed of fine oils and virgin olive oils” or “Olive Oil”.
This depends as from the raw material used as from a manufacturing process with which it gets the oil.

The Designation of Origin it’s mandatory only for the Extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil and is protected by EC Regulation 182/20091.
“Olives and products 100% made in Italy” or “100% Product of Italy” indicate that both oil and olives exclusively are Italian. Can also be found Extra virgin olive oil produced with olives from the European community and others with olives from non-EU countries.
If the olives have been collected in a different country from that of oil production, the country where the olives have been taken must be written.
The PDO (DOP) and PGI (IGP) abbreviations indicate respectively Protected Designation of Origin and Protected Geographical Indication.
They must correspond to the area where the olives were collected and the oil produced.
Then we find Name or Social Response or Logo Indicating the location of the manufacturer or packer or vendor located in the EU. (Produced by… / Packaged by… / Distributed by…).
If we buy the oil directly from the manufacturer we have the opportunity to check the information on the label with our eyes!
Minimum Storage Time is mandatory and is determined by the manufacturer (usually fixed around 18 months2).
Net Quantity must be always indicated and is often accompanied by the symbol “℮” (metrological indication).
It indicates that the packaging company applied Community legislation on pre-packaging and the product can therefore circulate freely within the Community.
The Nutrition Facts contain informations on the amount of energy and nutrients present in the product.
Finally, the production lot is indicated and conservation method.
Other informations are optional: for extra virgin or virgin olive oils may be indicated the first cold squeezing, if it’s cold extracted and the organoleptic characteristics.

All these informations must respect specific laws that aim to protect the consumers.
What we read on the label is the result of legislative paths that help both to protect the honest producers and who use it.
The labels on Olio Poldo bottles show clearly and simply all necessary informations that helps the clients to recognize the high quality of the products, verifiable in every moment!
2 Olio Poldo products have a minimum storage period of 12 months to safeguard the high quality standards.